Gilson Filho

Gilson Filho

Fullstack Software Engineer

About me

In the last 15 years, I have worked on projects in the public and startup sectors. I have been working with technology since a young age, learning to program through various projects, creating a variety of solutions such as Desktop Systems, Web Systems, APIs, Web Scraping, and Data Pipelines.

My goal is to drive company growth through problem-solving, create innovative products, and contribute to various public policies through Open Source Software.

Tech Stacks

  • NextJS
  • React
  • Angular
  • VueJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • GraphQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Scala
  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Airflow
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Python
  • Django
  • FastAPI
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Terraform
  • Google Cloud
  • BigQuery
  • Pandas
  • Scrapy

Last experiences

  • Logo Jusbrasil

    Senior Fullstack Software Engineer - Jusbrasil

    2021 - Atual
  • Logo Jusbrasil

    Java Software Engineer - Behup

  • Logo Jusbrasil

    Data Engineer - Capgemini

  • Logo Jusbrasil

    Senior Python Developer - Enap
