About me
In the last 15 years, I have worked on projects in the public and startup sectors. I have been working with technology since a young age, learning to program through various projects, creating a variety of solutions such as Desktop Systems, Web Systems, APIs, Web Scraping, and Data Pipelines.
My goal is to drive company growth through problem-solving, create innovative products, and contribute to various public policies through Open Source Software.
Tech Stacks
- NextJS
- React
- Angular
- VueJS
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- GraphQL
- PostgreSQL
- Scala
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Spark
- Apache Airflow
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Python
- Django
- FastAPI
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Terraform
- Google Cloud
- BigQuery
- Pandas
- Scrapy
Last experiences
Senior Fullstack Software Engineer - Jusbrasil
2021 - AtualJava Software Engineer - Behup
2019Data Engineer - Capgemini
2019Senior Python Developer - Enap
Blog Posts
Ver maisKubernetes - Uma visão geral da famosa ferramenta de orquestração de contêineres
Linguagem de Manipulação de Dados no BigQuery: Como Realizar Consultas SQL Avançadas
Tipos de Dados no BigQuery: Como Armazenar e Consultar Diferentes Tipos de Dados em SQL
BigQuery: o serviço de armazenamento de dados do Google Cloud Platform
Banco de dados e SQL - Introdução e História
Sou um procrastinador, e hoje estou bem com isso